Initial Requirements

Initial Requirements

No time to think, just do

I created a desktop application before for a price tracker. Coming up with the requirements for this project shouldn't take much effort. I don't know how I'll handle different users workspaces, I'll figure that out as I go along. For now here are the requirements for the Price Book Club web application.

The Requirements

  • Product management: The user should be able to add, update and mark products, variants and categories as deleted.
  • Store management: The user should be able to add, update and mark stores as deleted.
  • Track prices: The user should be able to add a price to a variant through the following means:
  • Price capture: Capture a single price for a product variant. The user doesn't necessarily have to purchase the product.
  • Invoices: Capture an invoice with several product variants on the invoice.
  • Promotions: Capture a special promotion. The user doesn't necessarily have to purchase the products.
  • The user must be able to create a shopping list, with either products or variants.
  • The user must be able to tick off items from their shopping list by scanning a product in the store.
  • The user must be able to complete an invoice capture in two phases:
  • First scan the bar code of the purchased product variants.
  • Capture the prices from the till slip.
  • The user must be able to capture the shelf price while scanning the products in shopping mode.
  • The user must be able to capture the detail of the product later when the bar code cannot be found in the product variant database.
  • The user must be able to check off a shopping list item if the user scans a product variant that isn't on the shopping list or not in the product variant database.
  • The user must be able to view all prices for all the products the user captured.
  • The user must be able to compare prices between products.
  • The user must be able to compare prices for products captured by other users.

That's it for now. This isn't the best time to be blogging but I have to make time to keep the ball moving. More to come.